
Cohiba Black

This stunning, opulent, black cigar is brimming with bold character and luxury flavor with notes of cocoa, espresso beans, a hickory leathery texture, and a sweet, lingering finish. Cohiba Black consistently delivers rich concentrated flavor from its jet-black Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper and intricate blend of Dominican Piloto Cubano tobacco. Made with tobaccos aged for at least three years, this is the go-to cigar for those who revel in the indulgent.

Oliva Serie V

Serie V is an expert mix of Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos blended with specially fermented Jalapa Valley Ligero and finished with a high priming Habano Sun Grown Wrapper. This flavorful blend exhibits complex tobacco with rich coffee and dark chocolate tones with both a subtle and well-balanced spice throughout.

Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro

Expertly crafted by the legendary Perdomo family in one of Nicaragua’s most prestigious factories, the Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro cigars feature a delicious and spicy blend of all Nicaraguan tobaccos finished with a dark eye-catching barrel-aged Cuban-seed wrapper that was uniquely fermented in a bourbon barrel. Full-bodied, rich, smooth, and elegant, these lush smokes will satisfy your taste buds with an array of intense sophisticated flavors and subtle undertones of dark roast espresso and sweet spice. 

Punch Signature

Punch Signature is a very flavorful full-body powerhouse premium handmade cigar with heaps of mouthwatering complexity. This Cuban style recipe comprises a deep brown, oily, Ecuadorian Corojo wrapper, a zesty Nicaraguan binder, and aged long filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic. Full bodied with an extraordinary smooth character, this firmly packed gem delivers notes of leather, wood, earth, and spice, accompanied with a sweet, room-filling aroma.

Oliva Serie V Melanio

Check out this flavorful and unique option.

Cohiba Nicaragua

From the world-renowned artisans of Cohiba comes the iconic brand’s first Nicaraguan cigar blended with the finest hand-selected leaves from the volcanic soils of Esteli and Jalapa.  Cohiba Nigaragua is a full-flavored yet intricately balanced fine cigar with a rich creamy peppered with bold notes of spice and even finishes with a touch of sweet.  This fine handmade cigar is perfect for virtually all occasions.     

Asylum Nyctophilia

As the name implies, Asylum Nyctophilia cigars are premium handmade beauties that feature a dark and oily San Andres wrapper over the best aged Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, resulting in a full body smoke that remains smooth and perfectly balanced from start to finish. Impeccable construction and an impossibly slow burn are punctuated with savory notes of black pepper, chocolate, and cedar, later followed by some mocha and dark roast coffee components.

Kristoff GC Signature Series

Handmade in the Dominican Republic, this gem boasts a top-quality Brazilian Maduro wrapper with hardly any noticeable veins and a gorgeous oily sheen.  Underneath is a core of aged Cuban-seed long filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua that are secured by a hearty Honduran binder. Every puff of this expertly-blended combination delivers rich fragrant notes of wood, espresso, honey, citrus, and cocoa all before a spicy-sweet finish.  

Sun Grown by Rocky Patel

Perfection takes time, and this cigar was definitely not crafted overnight. In fact, the distinctive Ecuadorian sun-grown wrapper leaf is aged for five years, while the Dominican and Nicaraguan long-filler tobacco combination is aged for seven. The aged pairing creates a smooth yet captivating smoke with delicious hints of spice, sweetness, pepper, and espresso. Rocky Patel Sun Grown cigar’s full-bodied profile and flavorful smoke are ideal for any enthusiast or aficionado that enjoys an expert combination of strength and balance.


Cohiba Red Dot

Synonymous with extravagant taste and complex flavor, true cigar connoisseurs know Cohiba as one of the world’s finest brand of cigars. Meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba is the product of masterful blending. Cohiba Red Dot cigars are a medium-bodied cigar featuring a creamy, smooth, flavorful taste quite impossible to forget. Using tobaccos from different countries all over the world including aged Dominican Republic Cuban-seed fillers, exceptional Indonesian binders and spicy African-Cameroon wrappers to create a very rich and complex profile for the flawless blends they produce.

Montecristo White

The Montecristo White is one of Montecristo’s top-offerings. A golden Ecuadorian wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and top-quality Dominican and Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos all work in concert to create one of the creamiest and smoothest smokes available. Medium-bodied in strength, this slow slow-burning beauty coats the palate with flavors of cocoa, sweet cream, nuts, and a perfect touch of spice. Like all Montecristo Cigars, the Montecristo White is flawlessly constructed, burns slow, and tops the charts in taste.

Arturo Fuente Don Carlos

The Arturo Fuente Don Carlos is a handcrafted masterpiece created in the Dominican Republic from a select recipe of the finest aged tobaccos. Fuente family patriarch Carlos Fuente Sr. blended the Don Carlos to an intricate standard of premium, vintage Dominican binder and filler tobaccos are held together by a lusciously dark African Cameroon wrapper. The complex, medium-bodied profile delivers a slightly-sweet mildly-spiced smoke with lavish notes of earth and cedar and nuances of oak, espresso beans, cocoa, and chestnuts.

Ashton Heritage Puro Sol

Handmade in the Dominican Republic in the Fuente factory, these cigars smoke like a dream come true. A gorgeous, chocolaty Ecuador Habano wrapper hugs a scrumptious bouquet of aged Dominican binder and filler tobaccos. The flavors are enchantingly rich and earthy with subtle traces of caramel and almonds. Every leaf of tobacco used to construct this cigar is grown in direct sunlight, which intensifies its flavor and aroma. Ashton Heritage Puro Sol cigars are medium-bodied and perfectly balanced with a wonderful richness and profound complexity.

The Griffin’s

Produced by Davidoff, a brand world famous for being one of the most luxurious makers of premium handmade cigars, The Griffin’s, which are produced by the world-famous Davidoff brand, are made from expertly-aged long filler and binder tobaccos that hail from the Dominican Republic which is surrounded by a top-quality Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf. Once lit, these gems provide a creamy mellow medium bodied medley of coffee, nuts, cocoa, cedar, and subtle dashes of sweet tobacco that all liven the palate.

Camacho American Barrel-Aged

Challenging convention at every turn the Camacho American Barrel-Aged cigar celebrates the hardworking grit of Kentucky bourbon makers and the passionate artistry of its master builders. Working together to forge an intense smoking experience unlike anything else. A process that begins with the original Corojo plant, aging its legendary leaves for six years and then locking them in charred Kentucky bourbon barrels. Wrapped in all-American broadleaf, each stick delivers a richness and complexity characterized by oaky flavors and sweet bourbon aromas.

Cohiba Blue

Cohiba Blue is a perfectly balanced smoke blessed with the outstanding construction, burn, and taste that one would come to expect from the legendary Cohiba brand. Medium bodied in strength and brimming with velvety notes of cocoa, caramel, and cinnamon. The blend commences with a creamy, palate-pleasing Honduran wrapper the transitions to a savory yet mellow mix of Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Honduran tobaccos that brilliantly complement the wrapper. The cigar then finishes with an earthy Honduran binder that creates a creamy, yet savory smoking experience.

Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real

The Reserva Real is a carefully balanced blend of aged Dominican leaf spiced with Nicaraguan ligero and finished in a hand-selected blonde Connecticut shade-seed wrapper grown in the valleys of Ecuador. Slightly sweet in flavor, it’s an expertly crafted handmade medium-bodied smoke with the fine filler tobaccos providing a rich cedary platform and tender aroma and the beautiful Connecticut wrapper adding a pleasant but not over-powering spice. Simply a great cigar with a creamy, smooth character and an elegant finish.


Cohiba Connecticut

Cohiba’s expert artisans begin this show-stopping cigar with an impressive Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper which originates from a beautiful blonde leaf grown in Ecuador’s Los Rios province beneath a natural cloud cover that creates its beautiful golden color with almost imperceptible veins. Creating a sophisticated and mellow flavor, the blend inside contains a veritable feast of Brazilian Mata Fina, Dominican Olor, Dominican Piloto Cubana, and Nicaraguan Jalapa fillers dancing beneath a rich, flavorful subtle but spicy Mexican San Andres binder.

Montecristo Classic

Montecristo is a household name in the cigar world. A mellow masterpiece, the world-famous Montecristo Classic is a beautiful cigar with a silky, golden-brown Connecticut Shade wrapper which holds a well-aged blend of Dominican filler tobacco. The pre-light aroma is crisp with a cedar essence and a touch of sweetness. Once lit the burn is slow and even and starts with white pepper notes that yield to fabulous mix of creamy-smooth, nutty, cocoa, and coffee flavors. Smooth and easy-smoking, Montecristo Classic is an easy choice for all cigar connoisseurs.

Ashton Cabinet

Known for its flawless construction and extremely fulfilling, rich and buttery flavor, Ashton is simply one of the finest mild cigars ever produced. Manufactured in the Dominican Republic, these luxurious cigars are handmade with a delicious assortment of aged Dominican tobaccos beneath a beautiful blonde Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf. Every Ashton cigar displays pristine color and texture with rich, regal, and refined flavor offerings of cedar, almonds and crème brulée.


As one of the most popular brands on the market today, Macanudo serves as a solid introduction to handmade cigars for those who are just getting into premium cigars. A beautiful tan Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf holds a consistent blend of long-fillers from the Dominican Republic and Mexico. Its relaxed profile of nuts, brown sugar, and herbs hints at a tangy finish in a number of well-constructed formats.

Diamond Crown

The Diamond Crown is a premium luxury cigar handmade with a delicate yet decadent blend of expertly aged top-quality Dominican tobaccos surrounded by a beautiful double-fermented Connecticut shade-grown wrapper. With a mild-to-medium strength profile, Diamond Crown offers rich and creamy flavors with notes of coffee, nuts, and leather.

Don Diego

Don Diego is a classic old-school cigar featuring silky-smooth Connecticut Shade wrapper embracing a tantalizing core of well-aged Dominican and Brazilian binder and filler tobaccos handcrafted in the Dominican Republic. This creamy blend presents an approachable nutty taste with notes of blonde roast coffee, cedar, and toasted spices.

Avo Classic

Named for renowned pianist Avo Uvezian, Avo Classic Cigars offer consistent construction and mild and creamy flavors of nuts and toast with a buttery finish. Silky Ecuador Connecticut wrappers enclose a rich blend of long-filler vintage tobaccos from the Dominican Republic. With its smooth and creamy mild-to-medium strength profile, the Avo Classic combines to present an unforgettable slightly-sweet flavor experience with notes of pepper, cedar, and nuts.

Oliva Connecticut Reserve

The Connecticut Reserve from Oliva is a fantastic, mild to medium-bodied premium handmade cigar dressed in a silky Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper that perfectly complements the Cuban-seed Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos contained within. After significant aging, each cigar envelops the palate with layers of thick flavor, leaving behind creamy notes of wood, coffee culminating in a sweet nutty finish.

Ashton Classic

The Ashton Classic is a unique and mild cigar.

Stunning and Opulent

Cohiba Black

This stunning, opulent, black cigar is brimming with bold character and luxury flavor with notes of cocoa, espresso beans, a hickory leathery texture, and a sweet, lingering finish. Cohiba Black consistently delivers rich concentrated flavor from its jet-black Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper and intricate blend of Dominican Piloto Cubano tobacco. Made with tobaccos aged for at least three years, this is the go-to cigar for those who revel in the indulgent.

Rich and Nutty

Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real

The Reserva Real is a carefully balanced blend of aged Dominican leaf spiced with Nicaraguan ligero and finished in a hand-selected blonde Connecticut shade-seed wrapper grown in the valleys of Ecuador. Slightly sweet in flavor, it’s an expertly crafted handmade medium-bodied smoke with the fine filler tobaccos providing a rich cedary platform and tender aroma and the beautiful Connecticut wrapper adding a pleasant but not over-powering spice. Simply a great cigar with a creamy, smooth character and an elegant finish. 

Flavored Cigars

Tatiana Rum

The Tatiana Classic Rum is a deliciously sweet – though never overwhelming – cigar. Blending a rich infusion of flavors, this one knows how to kick it up a notch. A delicious indulgence, you’ll find notes of sugary molasses with a hint of spice that’ll tantalize your sweet tooth and deliver that distinctive rum taste.

Tatiana Honey

Tatiana Classic Honey flavored cigars take the sweet, tangy taste of honey and use it to produce one of the most aromatic cigars in the entire Tatiana lineup. This refined taste, along with the natural tobacco flavor of the Dominican blend, delight the senses and fill the room nicely.

Tatiana Cinnamon

Tatiana Classic Cinnamon cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic using only high-quality Dominican tobaccos and an intoxicating Indonesian wrapper. These cigars have the sweet and spicy flavor of freshly-ground cinnamon that gently generates a smooth and mellow aroma.

Tatiana Cognac

Tatiana Classic Cognac cigars is where top-shelf spirits mate with smooth, select Cuban-seed fillers from the Dominican Republic. And the result is simply opulent: the just-right quantity of nuts, caramel and vanilla traits are on full display, balanced with natural tobacco.

Tatiana Vanilla

The Tatiana Classic Vanilla cigar is expertly handmade in the Dominican with a unique blend of perfectly infused rich vanilla flavors that will fill the air around you with a sugary sweet aroma. These sticks are an ideal after dinner treat for any smoker. Plus, they simply taste great!



Lazy Summer

Pair a Punch Signature cigar with a Bulleit Blenders Select Bourbon.

Bourbon Bull

Pair a Cohiba Black cigar with a Woodford Reserve Double Oaked bourbon.

Grand Dorado

Pair a Cohiba Connecticut cigar with El Dorado 21-year-old rum.


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